When your credit rating is considered poor or bad, it can
prove difficult to be able to obtain credit again. Whether this is a credit
card or a traditional loan, having a history of poor repayment can make proving
your current ability to repay a financial commitment difficult. The status of
‘poor’ or ‘bad’ in terms of your credit rating is dependant in part to the
company who are considering a form of credit. Although there are different
ratings which can be awarded in terms of how you have performed previously with
your credit based commitment, often lenders will review the file for themselves
and based on their own criteria deem whether their product is suitable or not.
This means the decision you receive regarding a potential lending resource
could easily vary from one lender to the next. Although many of the more
traditional lenders are likely to have similar criteria given the value of
their loans, there are alternatives which may be able to provide a route back
into credit. One such alternative is the short term loan. These loans have been
available to consumers online for nearly a decade now and given the value of
the loans offered by such lenders tend to never be greater than £1000.00, the
criteria for approval is different to mainstream credit.
Short term loans are a resource for borrowing a small amount
of money over a short period of time. The values of such loans usually range
from £100.00 through to £1000.00; with the higher loan amounts usually being
granted to customers who have a proven repayment history. The purpose of these
loans is to assist consumers over a short period of time, and therefore are not
designed to help on a continual basis like more classic borrowing. The
repayment terms are flexible and normally allow customers to repay over anything
from a few months through to a year. As a result of these two facts there is
often a short term loan which is able to fit the bill. Where short term loans
can be of extra value is concerning an individual’s credit rating.
What short term loans can do is offer the opportunity to
demonstrate an ability to repay credit. For those of us who have previously
shown a lack of ability in repaying financial commitments, borrowing from a
short term loans lender and repaying the agreement as required may give the
opportunity to out an updated ‘stamp’ on your credit rating and therefore an
updated view for future lenders to potentially consider. Of course the key here
is to borrow in a sensible manner and repay the instalments which are set out
by the lender as required. Be mindful to consider the options set out by the
lender and ensure the correct resource is utilised. As discussed here there are
many flexible options to choose from so many of us will find there is loan
which can match our existing budget and its requirements. For more advice
regarding the most suitable repayment terms why not speak to the lender
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